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Pontiac General Hospital's Psychiatric Unit Under Fire for Alleged Violation of Patient Rights

empty hospital hallway

Shocking allegations against Pontiac General Hospital’s psychiatric unit have come to light. According to patients and documents uncovered by Channel 7 News Detroit, pre-signed clinical certificates were used in the civil commitment process to wrongfully hold patients in the psychiatric ward.

Clinical certificates are filled out under the penalty of perjury and used by mental health professionals to admit persons into a psychiatric facility without their consent. The certificates must be filled out by the treating provider. However, anonymous patients and staff of Pontiac General have alleged that the signing physician never visited those patients—let alone diagnosed them.

As a result, numerous patients were involuntarily confined to Pontiac General Hospital’s psychiatric ward. Patients who have come forward describe their experience as a “total loss of freedom”; being unable to call their family and friends or leave the psychiatric unit of their own volition. This loss of freedom is not only psychologically traumatizing, but a violation of each patients’ rights.

Civil commitment constitutes a significant deprivation of liberty and requires due process protections. Patients who were allegedly held against their will at Pontiac General Hospital deserve to have their voices heard and their stories told.

At Grewal Law, we have built a reputation of fighting for the wrongfully injuries in difficult claims and lawsuits. This includes our representation of 1/3 of the survivors who filed lawsuits against Michigan State University and Larry Nassar, which resulted in a $500 million settlement.

If you or a loved one was abused by Pontiac General Hospital and held in the psychiatric ward against your will and medical protocol, Grewal Law is ready to support you. We can guide you through the legal process, ensure your rights are protected, and help you seek the remedies you deserve. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.

Call Grewal Law, PLLC, at (888) 211-5798 or send us a message online.

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